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HomeStratford NewsHelp remove invasive species at TJ Dolan on Friday

Help remove invasive species at TJ Dolan on Friday

Invasive species including Periwinkle and Garlic Mustard are taking over parts of TJ Dolan Natural Area.

An Energy and Environment Committee hopes to combat that.

They are rallying the community to help remove the invasive species by hosting a weed pull on Friday.

Committee member Craig Merkley said volunteers have worked to remove other invasive species along the shoreline of the Avon River, but it’s their first foray at TJ Dolan.

The committee commissioned a management plan to guide them in their efforts.

“This is one of the recommendations to organize community activities to try and remove invasive plants in TJ Dolan and replace them with native plants.”

Anyone is welcome to stop by and help starting at 9 a.m. Friday at the entrance off West Gore Street in Stratford. Volunteers will likely work on the project until about noon.

“There is fair amount in there that have been brought in over the years or people have brought them in, unknowingly, brought things in. once they take hold they really spread, so that is the issue.”


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